Skill Development Training

Adarsh Shiksha Samiti

Education is fundamental to all-around human development. Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development. It is a unique investment for harnessing the country’s demographic dividend. Skill Development and Entrepreneurship development efforts across the country have been highly fragmented so far. Though India enjoys the demographic advantage of having the youngest workforce with an average age of 30 years in comparison with the advanced economies, as opposed to the developed countries, where the percentage of skilled workforce is between 60% and 90% of the total workforce, India records a low 5% of the workforce (20-24 years) with formal employability skills. 

With the present education and skill levels of those already in the labour force being very low, it would be a major challenge for India to reap its demographic advantage.

So, there is a need for quick reorganisation of the skill development ecosystem, and the promotion of which is necessary to suit the needs of the industry to ensure the enhancement of life of the population. India would surely rise to be the Human Resource Capital of the world by appropriately skilling its youth bulge and converting its advantage into a dividend.

The Skill development program by Adarsh Org helps in the advancement of skills that are relevant to the tribal youths of the area and pertains not only to a huge quantitative expansion in skill training for the youth but also to the much more important task of raising their quality. With a goal to create opportunities, space, and scope for the development of the talents of the Indian youth and to enhance their technical expertise, Adarsh focuses on Youth Skill Development as one of its pillars. 

After successfully organising the training and building up the capacity of beneficiaries under different kinds of rural microenterprises Adarsh Org has distributed tool kits to members. It was just assistance to engage them in income-generating activities. Now all of them are self-sustained.

About 1,195 School drop-out youths have been trained in the different trades of Udaipur District in Southern Rajasthan during this year and now they became economically self-sustained to generate sources of income.

Adarsh Shiksha Samiti‘s observation is not only on a quantitative scale but also based on qualitative performance. It could be possible just due to the comprehensive implementation schedule of organised training and capacity-building programs.

The general skill development training courses provided here are:

  • Tailoring
  • Artificial Jewellery 
  • Beautician Course
  • Plumber
  • Welder
  • Motor Binding
  • Two-Wheeler Repairing
  • Garment Making
  • Bag Making
  • Handicraft
  • Photography